Greenhouses in the Ethiopian desert

According to a recent study published by the University of Aalto, Ethiopia is one of the countries with an insufficient and insecure supply of food. The extreme drought in the country, due to the weather conditions, and the unsuccessful strategy for the supply of food products are the main causes for this.
However, a social organization called Roots Up may have found the key to tackling food shortages by creating a greenhouse that turns dew water into a resource suitable for irrigation. In addition to offering a possible solution to this problem, it does so with its own production system, which could help alleviate Ethiopia’s dependence on foreign food suppliers.
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This information, originally published on the website Ecoinventos, notes that dew water could help producers grow fresh vegetables “even during times of drought.” The greenhouse has a dew collector that helps collect this water, which would otherwise be lost in the atmosphere. Thus, growers can produce drinking water for both irrigation and human consumption.
“When temperatures rise with the midday sun, the greenhouse causes the water to evaporate and rise. At nightfall, the upper part of the greenhouse, which opens by pulling the cords tied to a latch, exposes the water drops collected to the cold air. These droplets cool and condense, falling into a storage cistern, “making it possible to use the water,” according to the information of the portal specialised in agricultural technology.
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* Agrolution via

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